Wednesday, March 23, 2011

longest sleep ever

yesterday..i was oncall till morning.last case we had laparotomy at 6am.but i'm so sleepy during operation..can u imagine how sleepy am i.the case was quite interesting actly..but i dont know,mybe i'm so tired.damn tired!after that,lunch time i went to sleep for about 1hour only.then cont with the listed case..luckily got 1case only.then i straight away went to sleep at home..from pm till 7am this morning.i think (+-)about 12hours+..fuh!damn tired..the most longest sleep i ever had..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

happy anniversary..

happy 9yrs anniversary


thanx for stay with me even we've been through a lot of things and loving me till now..and also the one that always makes me cry,smile and laugh together.even with your silly jokes..i love the way that you would do anything for me.things may never be the same again.but loving you will never change..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

andai dia tahu..

esp for engku khairul khalis..yang sentiasa buat saya menangis,tersenyum dan ketawa

andainya dia tau..bila sseorg prmpuan jth cinta,lelaki itu x smestinya pnya sgalanya.ttapi lelaki itu adalah sgalanya pd dirinya..andainya dia tau,bila sseorg prmpuan itu mngalirkn air mata,itu bkn brmakna die lmah.ttp die sedang mncri kekuatan utk die trus tbah mncintai lelaki itu..andainya dia tau,apbila ssorg prmpuan itu marah,memg die xmampu mngawal prasaan tp prcayalah,itulh mknanya dia sgt mngambil berat dan mnyayangi lelaki itu..andainya dia tau,apbila prmpuan brckap byk,itu xbrmaksud utk mmbuat lelaki rimas.ttpi die mgharapkan lelaki itu lbih mgenalinya dgn lbih dkat..apbila prmpuan brkata dia mhukn anda brubah,itu bkn brmakna dia x mahu mnerima lelaki itu seadanya.ttpi dia mahukn anda mnjadi lbih baik.bkn utk dirinya,ttpi utk masa dpn anda..

p/s:i love you from yesterday..today and i will love you forever :)

on my birthday..

surprise by my fren..i love them so much :)

master mind..she's the planner

lots of love

nyum2.. :)

so yummy :)

make a wish.. pray for happiness

naughty??my friends are all naughty.. :)

24yrs already.. :)

thanx for all the wishes,loves,hugs and kisses.. after 24 years i've been through a lot of things.but this year,ppl keep asking me the same questions.. when are you getting married??huh.. i hate that questions.seriously.. do you need to ask me that questions?!hello,i'm just 24 ok.and i'm still young.. well,of coz i wanna get married.but pls.. don't ask me again and again.i will let you'll know when i will get married.but IF.... there's sumbdy wanted to marry me la! :p

p/s: kawen?? esok!boleh.. :p

Sunday, March 13, 2011


perhaps life was better

with the fights,arguments and nightmares

at least..

there was someone

to talk to..

Friday, March 11, 2011

waiting for nothing..

i'm waiting for nothing..but my friend told me that expect nothing thn you'll be surprised of sumthing.but i'm still waiting..i dnt know what am i supposed to do now.ouh GOD!!!i feel like wanna cry..i am stupid!dug my own grave and jump inside..shit!i said something without thinking
and hurting my loved one..i know he still love me.huh.. (sedap kn ati sendiri).but i still wanna cry.. ;'( syg..i'm so sorry.i know i've done something that hurt you so much.but deep inside my heart.i still love you..and i mean it

p/s:feel like want to vomit blood..okeh,silakan.like i care :p

Friday, March 4, 2011

just mumbling..

dilemma and confused with myself..till now i dont know am i doing a right thing or not.i need somebody to listen to me.but i dont know who can be a good listener..sometimes i feel like i have nothing.i have nobody to love me..i have nobody to listen to me.so,i guess i'm a good listener to myself..sounds like i'm crazy aite!but who can we trust other then ourself..i trust nobody.coz it scared me

i know i still have time to change my life..but sometimes i scared to face the reality.coz it hurts..i just want my own life..please,give it back to me!24hrs a day,7days a week i've been bz.bz working, bz thinking, bz walking, bz eating, bz watching, bz observing and now bz blogging.and i have no quality time for myself.pity me!

btw..i dont know what am i talking about.its just that i'm not happy with myself..and i still figure out why!i have my own money.i have my own car.but...i'm not happy :(

i just keep it to myself..i dont need ppl to judge me.i know what am i doing eventhough i feel stupid most of the time..i let other ppl run my life.i let other ppl make a desicion for me.i let other ppl control me.so what am i doing if most of the time other ppl take my own part..i do nothing!thats what i can do..

but i know one day,i have to change all this nonsense..not to say i'm selfish.never okey!!!i always think about other ppl.and you know what..i think about other ppl more thn myself.trust me..

p/s:this is nothing to do with anybody..my blog,my words!peace (^_^)